Tuesday, February 16, 2010

LOST: What Kate Does

Welcome friends,

Probably a short post today. I've been putting this off in hopes that ABC would put up a podcast this week. It looks like that will not happen so I'm moving on with my own thoughts.

The episode is called “What Kate Does” which is a play of off an episode in Season 2 called “What Kate Did”. In the FS we see what happens as Kate escapes form the airport with Claire being forced along with her. To me there are really only a few things that are of blinding curiosity to me.

In general there are more occurrences of things in this timeline that appeared in the original timeline. For example, the toy whale that Kate finds in Claire's bag is the same toy that Aaron held in the Flash Forwards. Ethan is there just as he was on the island, although this time he is not trying to steal the baby (yet). Kate helps get Claire to the hospital where she will be able to give birth to Aaron. In the original timeline Kate was the one that helped Aaron be born in the jungle. It's curious that Claire was given the choice to have the baby now or wait awhile. She chose to wait. This was an option she didn't have back on the island. I wonder if we will see any significant effects of that different decision.

There are of course slight differences that are appearing in the FS. AS I mentioned Ethan is there but obviously not all crazy for abducting Claire. However, instead of being Ethan Rom, his name is Ethan Goodspeed. We already know that Ethan was the child of Horace Goodspeed and his wife Amy.

Presumably that is still true and hence why they have the same last name. But that begs the question why his name was Ethan Rom back on the island.

In my last post I theorized that perhaps Flight 815 of the FS timeline and the current events on the island are on the same timeline. Although I can't recall hearing the exact year the current on-island events are happening, I think it's okay to assume it's 2007 (or 2008) not 2004. So Iwas thinking that Flight 815 in the FS was actually happening in 2007. But in this episode on Claire's sonogram we are able to see the date 10-22-04. This raises questions in two ways. First off, the original flight 815 was on 9-22-04. So at least my theory of the flight not happening on the same, original day may be correct.....or perhaps not. You see, Gregg Nations, who is a co-producer and script coordinator for LOST, answered a fan question posted on famous LOST website, The Fuselage. Regarding this inconsistency.

(click for larger version)

The fan asked “The date on the top right corner is 10-22-04. Prop error or hidden clue?”

Gregg responded “Ah, it's a little combination of both. Two numbers are correct, and one number is a mistake. Can you guess which is which?”

He went on to say that it is NOT “10 as the clue and 04 as the mistake”.

So where does that leave us. I really don't know. But I I'm finding comfort that my theory may not have been completely wrong. I figured Darlton wanted us to assume that everything in the FS was happening at the same time...and whenever you assume something with LOST is when they usually throw you a curve ball.

Back on the island we're pretty much left to deal with the question “What the EF is going on with Sayid?” We see Jack make a huge scene about giving him the pill..blah blah blah. Jack being Jack. What was really interesting to me is not so much that the pill was poison...I mean really, I don't think anyone expected it to be homemade NyQuil for Sayid. It was either some SUPER magical potion (which would have been cool) or it was Poison. Well, it was poison. I'm not surprised or offended by the Other's (specifically Dogen's) attempt to poison Sayid. I mean they say he's infected and presumably evil and dangerous now. At first I wondered if the poison would have outright killed Sayid or if would just vanquish what ever it is that is claiming him. Taking poison and only have it kill part of you is something out of the end of Fight Club, and kind of a cheap way to keep a character on a show (*coughHEROEScough*). So I think assuming Sayid would die is okay.. although I'm only about 90% sure of that.

Of Course Jack did not give Sayid the pill so maybe we'll never know...and that's okay.

I like this because I think we're going to see what happens throughout the process of being infected. This is what happened to Rousseau's team and what has happened to Claire (according to Dogen). I think Sayid will eventually escape and join forces with Locke.

This is a great way to shed light on the events of the past in a non-flashback. The process of becoming infected, I think, is in-effect the idea of turning to the dark-side. It may not be voluntary but it still happens. I love if this starts to happen because we will now see our characters take sides for the “battle of good and evil” Those infected will be on the dark side, and those not will be on the good side (allegedly Jacob's side at this point).

If we take a look at the sides now, we have as the possiblyInfected: Locke, Claire, Sayid, and Christian (although he may somehow have represented both sides at one point) as well as Ben and Sun who may now be enslaved to the Fake Locke. Sawyer will be tempted by Locke to join him in this next episode (but will Sawyer do it?????) and if Jin is captured by Claire he may have no choice but to join them. On the good side we have faithful Hurley, Jack, and Miles as well as Ilana and Richard (if they, too, can avoid being enslaved by Locke).

So It'll be a good fight. Pitting friends vs friends. Remember that Kate only came back for Claire..what will happen when she's forced to fight her in some way..Or Jin has to oppose Sun..or any other relationship that can be strained. Should be good.

The last question then is, more specifically, WHAT is infecting Sayid? Is it the smoke monster? Would that even be possible since he (as Locke) was no where near the temple. I don't think it's the Smoke monster that “claimed” him, but perhaps it's more of the essence of the moster. The non-tangible evil that the monster is apparently a part of and has the ability to claim people.. in more of a spiritual sense. I'm not entirely sure and I don't think we'll get the answer to that all at once. I think that'll be something we see develop as we see how the infection takes over Sayid.

Anyway, that's about all I got this week. I think tonight's episode will be rally good and am hoping for another podcast to shed some light on these discussions. Stayed tuned for another post coming later this week.

Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

CassieU said...

your welcome. and thanks for sharing. I wonder why sayid is so...clueless/nonconfrontational right now, he seems subdued, as opposed to how he was when he was off the island...thoughts?