Sunday, May 23, 2010

LOST: Last Minute Predictions

Just a few thoughts of things we might see during tonights finale.

DEAD ( or forgotten) PEOPLE
Of course we're going to see old friends tonight here's some I think will be popping up.
Mr. Eko (?)
Vincent the dog
Mrs. Hawking
and probably a lot of other secondary characters.

The main reason I mention this is becaue of them mention it's importance inthe podcasts.
I'm thinking the ultimate demise of the MIB may have to be by shoving him into the volcano (a la LOTR).
It would make sense due to the vocalic  ash they used to place in circles to protect them. Plus, he was created by being shoved down a hole full of light.. why not destroy him by shoving him down a hole of fire?

Either that, or he may try to shove Desmond into the light (or the volcano) in order to destroy the island.
Either way I'd like to see them be true to their word and bring back the volcano.

She's going to be at the concert (also where I think the Losties will coincedentally all be at, at the same time)
I'm betting on it being Juliet. JUst saying, it would make sense.

No one has yet to mention that Frank never escaped form the sub or is dead. I liked Frank. Can we please show a little respect.  I'm guessing that'll be address finally in some way. Either he surprises us by being alive (!) or someone realizes they miss him.  Either way I kinda hope we see him in the Flash Sideways.

I can't decide if I think that they'll kill the MIB and they can go about their merry way (as it were) or if there wil be a NEW MIB; in which case Jack and New MIB (Sawyer?) are left to carry on the ways of the island.

It has to resolve somehow. I think they're goign to merge in some unified universe somehow. I'm not sure how that makes sense. That or the characters have to choose to give up this "better" life for the one they lived on the island. Which shows them all having to make a scarifice.

He's going to be playing a big role. Will he live? I hope so.

Anyway. that's all I really got just wanted to make a last minute stab at the finale.
Sit back and enjoy. It'll all be over soon. :)