Tuesday, April 20, 2010

LOST: The Package; Happily Ever After; Everybody Loves Hugo

Ok. so I've got some catching up to do. But really There are only a few things to talk about so let's get into it.

Sun and Jin
I have to admit that these are never my favorite episodes. I like the characters enough, especially Jin, but Their FS doesn't leave much to talk about. YES, things Happened...things, like in earlier episodes of this season, that will mean more when we see the two timelines reconcile. So the fact that Jin and Sun weren't married, she was pregnant, and so on, will all be very interesting when there is a reason to care about it.

How Convenient.
My one issue with “the package” is basically Sun. I admitted that she's not my favorite but she really annoyed me in this episode. Granted, I'm glad that it didn't end up playing out in the “Jin-is-escaping-to-find-Sun-and-Sun-is-leaving-to-find-Jin-so-we-are-a-split-second-away-from-being-in-the-same-place-at-the-same-time-in-a-horrible-tragic-turn-of-fate” type story line. Cuz it was starting to set it up to be that way. So thanks for not taking the easy way out. But THEN Sun came the most inconvenient character ever. I hope her not talking has a justified pay off, because otherwise I think it was a bad plot device to use just to give her a reason to be all frustrated. Just when everyone was starting to come together she's all “I'm not listening” and “I wish you could understand how I feel, but I don't have a voice any more”.
It's the only misstep that I think they've taken this season, but I'm still holding on to the fact that they'll have a good reason for it.

Kate is Important.
The most IMPORTANT thing I think that came out of this episode is Locke's conversation with Claire.
In it, he reveals that those with their names (candidates) still on the cave wall (not crossed out) are needed to help him get off the island. Locke reveals Claire's name is not among them, but she is still very useful to him. He also reveals that Kate's name is crossed out and therefore is not needed (other than to perhaps convince the others to join his side). Therefore once Locke has what he wants, Claire can do whatever she wants with Kate. (See: CLAIRE IS EF-ing CRAZY in my previous post)
HOWEVER!!!! what Locke says is not true (in my belief)!
It has been noted by the producers that there was a bit of editing error.
In the scene in in the cave where we see people's names ….the audience was supposed to see Kate's name on the wall AND crossed out. But it was “regrettably” edited out of the show. So we never saw Kate's name. In the later episode “the Lighthouse” we see Kate's name on the dial NOT crossed out.
An inconsistency with the cave wall that we SHOULD have seen. The producers say that this inconsistency of her name not being crossed out in the lighthouse was intentional. It is believed, then, that the cave is a red herring to the MIB. And with this most recent exchange between him and Claire, I think Locke is going to make a fatal flaw that will be the undoing of his plan. At some point he's going to have the means to get off the island. He'll have the people all together (as we've just recently seen) and he'll be clear to get on the plane (or whatever). He'll be all cocky and say “okay Claire, ATTACK” and Claire goes and does her crazy thing. But then he realizes that his plan isn't working and figures out that he does need Kate, but it's too late. She's off fighting with Claire and he can't get her back. Meanwhile that gives the other people enough time to concoct their own plan and throw Locke off guard and stop him. (or something like that).

Desmond is the Constant
Des's episode was kind of self explanatory. I LOVED it, but I'm not sure what else I can say about it.
Much like in “the Constant' he was aware of both timelines and was able to make some connections between the two. By the end he revealed he's going to visit the other passengers of 815 and show them the truth. So in a way he will be their “constant”. Now granted I don't think they need a constant as Des did when traveling through time, but HIS understanding is going to be the thread that ties them together. Is this what Charles Widmore had planned for Desmond to do? I don't know.

Faraday's Theory:
Basically he said he believe that the FS they're living in is manifestation of an incredible amount of energy that was released to avoid a catastrophic event. The energy that was released was SOOOOO great it created an “alternate” timeline. SO does that mean it's in another plane of existence or is it somehow still existent in the current “world” that the island exists?

Hurley is a big fat liar
He's kind of acting as the temporary leader.. even if he lies about seeing Jacob.
His FS, again, was kind of an exercise in his character finding out about the other timeline. A pattern we will see with the remaining characters. There were a lot of overlapping elements in the FS that were obvious clues to the other timeline.. I won't bother to mention them all.

Sayid is bad.
Umm. Yeeeeaaaaaaaaahh..... I don't think he's coming back from this one. I'm guessing he will die right before the final face off between the MIB and our good guys. Unless the reconciliation of the timelines somehow make him a nice guy. But he was still killing people in the FS sooo, I'm thinking no.

SSSHHHHHHH...use your indoor voice
Well, they pretty much told us exactly what the whispers were. They were from those that can't move on.. like Micheal. Now I know they said it isn't purgatory.. and technically it still wouldn't be..BUT for whatever reason this is has some purgatory elements to it for these whispering people. They can't move on...forever? Or until they resolve this issue with the MIB? Is it because they went against Jacob?
SO exactly are those who can't move on? Christian? Boone? Or were those just manifestations of the smoke monster? Tough to say. I'm expecting a little more clarification soon.

Little Boy Blue
Okay he's not exactly wearing blue, but he keeps popping up in the jungle to antagonize Locke. My guess is he, like Micheal, is left there and can't move on. SO who is it. Is it Jacob as a youth. Is it the MIB as a youth. I think either one of those are likely. Remember that the MIB talked about having a mother (and possibly even another body) and a life before he is what he is now. IS this the tangible evidence of his lost innocence. An innocence he doesn't want to be reminded of. This may perhaps be a bit too literal translation of the metaphor, but I feel we will see this answer when we see the episode of Jacob and the MIB in a couple weeks. It is curious that Des could see him (and Locke wasn't surprised by that).

Des is a bad driver (or a really good one).
Well, his insurance rates will definitely go up after hitting a guy in a wheelchair, but I'm sure he had his reasons. It was mentioned to me that it was possible he was trying to kill Locke since he is now bad back on the island. Although I could see the producers wanting to maybe make people think that, it personally didn't cross my mind and I don't think that was the intention. I think Des was doing exactly what he said he was going to do.. Show the other passengers something. I think he wanted to give Locke a near death experience in order for him to “flash back” to memories of the island. The shot of Locke on the ground was reminiscent of when he first crashed on the island. And much like Charlie tried to drown Des, Locke was going through a near-death experience. It's been obvious that there is a link being death and deeper knowledge of the island. So, this is a logical approach to reveal the truth to Locke. Also remember, that in the FS it is still the original Locke.. the man of faith. I don't think he has the connection to the MIB now. I think if anything, the reconciliation of the two timelines will force the MIB to be tormented by the faithful nature of the True Locke.... perhaps forcing him out of his body. OR a face-off of the original Good Locke with the now Evil Locke. That may be far fetched, but I really don't think Des wanted to kill Locke. If he did there are far more subtle ways of doing so. Besides it's not that hard to chase down a dude in a wheel chair.

Desmond go down the hooooole.
Well, he's in a well. I'm a little surprised Locke just left him there. And in the previews they suggest that Sayid is going to go try to shot him (like fish in a barrel), But I suspect Desmond will find his way out of it. Remember that the well is on top of a pocket of electromagnetic energy (although a different one from the donkey wheel). And electromagnetism is like Des's secret ingredient to super powers...so maybe it'll be all Matrixy and he'll just stop bullets. We'll see.

No Hurley bird?
I was hoping to see the Hurley bird in this last episode. Wtf?
For those that don't remember. This was a bird that was seen twice in the show. Each time it screeched Hurley's name. We've never really heard anything else about the bird, but Darlton refuses to elaborate on it.. hinting that it has some yet to be told significance.

Outrigger Crossover.
AT some point we're going to see someone in the little paddle canoe get shot. At this point, I am predicting Frank. In Season 5 finale they are flashing through time and at some point while in the Canoe, they flash to a time where unidentified people are in another outrigger. Are time traveling losties shoot at them. They hit one and he falls out of the water. Our Losties then flash to another time period. We've yet to learn who these mysterious people are.. but I'm guessing it's all people we know. So next time someone gets in one of those outriggers, look for someone to get shot out of it. Although, tin the flashing, we never learned if that shot person lived or died.