Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Up and AT THEM!

Hello Friends!

I've recently been inspired to restart my blog. Originally it was used for showcasing my Animation Mentor work. I didn't do a very good job of keeping those post up. There was a lot of managing of files and such. This time around I've decided to use this as more of a place to discuss my thoughts about a variety of subjects. If I can convince myself that I can be diligent about it, I may begin posting my movie reviews here; since I've had several people ask me to do so. Also, you can bet that this will be the forum in which I discuss LOST theories as we enter the final season.

Occasionally I'm sure I'll post a picture or video of my animation, but that will most likely rely on how easily I can navigate the tools at my disposal.

I'm not much of an "advertiser" and I hate spamming people. So you probably won't see a lot of links to useless stuff or postings of the viral video of the week. But I will try to share quality stuff that people may have interest it experiencing themselves.

One of my favorite parts of posting is creating the title for each post. Most of the time it will be a play on words, a quote, or an allusion to something I think is awesome.
(for instance, do you know where the headline to this current post is from?)
If nothing else, check back for a funny line or two so that I can feel like my humor is at least slightly appreciated.